How to Get a Residency Permit in Kuwait

Residency Permit in Kuwait

A Residency Permit in Kuwait stands as a crucial legal document permitting foreign nationals to reside and work in Kuwait for an extended duration. It serves as a vital requirement to ensure a lawful stay in the country, indicating that the individual has met the necessary criteria set by the Kuwaiti government.

Keeping this permit valid and current is essential to steer clear of any legal complications. This blog post aims to provide straightforward and current information.

Types of Residency Permits

In Kuwait, various residency permits cater to diverse needs. These include:

  1. Work Visa: Designed for individuals who have secured employment in Kuwait, this visa requires the employer to sponsor and manage the application process.
  2. Dependent Visa: Tailored for the immediate family members of those with a work visa, allowing them to reside with their employed family member in the country.
  3. Domestic Visa: Intended for individuals in domestic roles, such as housekeepers or drivers.

Each visa type comes with its specific requirements and application procedures. Choosing the one that aligns with your situation is crucial for a seamless stay in Kuwait.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility requirements for a residency permit in Kuwait can vary based on the type of visa being sought. Nevertheless, there are overarching criteria applicable to all applicants:

  1. Age: Applicants must meet the legal age requirement, typically set at a minimum of 21 years for most visas.
  2. Health: A health check is mandatory for all applicants, encompassing tests for specific communicable diseases. The application process often necessitates the submission of a health certificate.
  3. Criminal Record: Individuals with a criminal record may face denial of a residency permit, as Kuwait conducts background checks during the application process.
  4. Financial Stability: Applicants must demonstrate financial capability to sustain themselves (and any dependents) during their stay in Kuwait.
  5. Sponsorship: Many visas require sponsorship, usually by an employer or a family member. The sponsor assumes certain responsibilities for the visa holder during their time in Kuwait.


Sponsorship holds a pivotal role in the procedure of securing a residency permit in Kuwait. Typically, a sponsor is an employer or a family member who is a resident or citizen of Kuwait, assuming responsibility for the visa applicant throughout their stay.

In the case of a work visa, the employer usually acts as the sponsor. They oversee the visa application process and ensure the employee complies with Kuwaiti laws and regulations.

For a dependent visa, the sponsor is a family member who is already a resident or citizen of Kuwait. This sponsor is accountable for their dependent’s presence in the country.

Moreover, the sponsor takes on specific financial responsibilities for the visa holder, covering living expenses, and, in some instances, medical costs. The sponsorship system is integral to Kuwait’s immigration policy, and a thorough understanding of it is vital for those intending to live or work in Kuwait.

Required Documents

When seeking a residency permit in Kuwait, you’ll be asked to provide various documents. Although the specific documents can vary based on the type of visa, the general requirements include:

  1. Passport: All applicants must have a valid passport with at least six months’ validity from the date of entry into Kuwait.
  2. Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs are typically a standard requirement.
  3. Health Certificate: Often, a health certificate indicating freedom from certain communicable diseases is necessary. This usually involves undergoing a medical examination in your home country.
  4. Proof of Sponsorship: Providing documentation that establishes you have a sponsor in Kuwait is essential. This could be a letter from your employer if applying for a work visa or from a family member if applying for a dependent visa.
  5. Financial Proof: Demonstrating the ability to financially support yourself (and any dependents) during your stay in Kuwait may be a requirement.
  6. Criminal Record Check: A certificate verifying the absence of a criminal record may be necessary.
Required Documents for residency permit

How to Get a Residency Permit in Kuwait

Obtaining a residency permit in Kuwait involves several straightforward steps:

  1. Secure a Sponsor: Begin by securing a sponsor, often an employer or a family member residing in Kuwait.
  2. Prepare Required Documents: Gather necessary documents, including a passport, health certificate, and proof of sponsorship.
  3. Submit the Application: The sponsor typically applies on the applicant’s behalf, either online or at the immigration department in Kuwait.
  4. Pay the Fees: Application fees must be paid, with the amount varying depending on the type of visa.
  5. Await Approval: Following the application submission and fee payment, the applicant must wait for approval. Processing times can vary.
  6. Collect the Residency Permit: Upon approval, the applicant can collect their residency permit, marking the successful completion of the process.


The charges for a residency permit in Kuwait can fluctuate based on the type of visa and individual circumstances. Here are some general guidelines:

For Private-Sector Employees:

  1. In the initial year, the fee is 100 KWD per person for the spouse and first two children.
  2. However, for any additional children, the fee increases to 200 KWD per person.

Renewal Fees:

  1. The renewal fee for a residency visa is 10 KWD per person for the sponsored individual, their spouse, and two children.
  2. Each additional child incurs a charge of 100 KWD.
  3. Parents and in-laws are required to pay 200 KWD per person.


The duration of a residency permit’s validity in Kuwait typically relies on the visa type.

  1. Work Visa: Work Visa is commonly valid for one to three years and is eligible for renewal.
  2. Dependant Visa: A Dependant Visa is often linked to the sponsor’s visa duration.

It’s crucial to highlight that the residency permit’s validity should align with the passport’s validity. Allowing a residency permit to expire while the holder is still in Kuwait can result in legal complications.


Having a residency permit in Kuwait comes with several benefits. These include:

  1. Employment: With a work visa, you can legally work in Kuwait. This opens up a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors.
  2. Family Reunification: If you’re working in Kuwait, a dependent visa allows your immediate family members to join you.
  3. Access to Services: As a resident, you’ll have access to various services and facilities in Kuwait. These can include healthcare, education, and more.
  4. Travel: A residency permit allows you to travel in and out of Kuwait with ease. It’s important to note that you should always keep your permit valid to avoid any travel issues.


In conclusion, obtaining a residency permit in Kuwait is a crucial step for individuals seeking to live and work in the country. Whether through a work visa or dependent visa. Remember, the benefits of having a residency permit extend beyond legal compliance, providing access to employment, family unity, essential services, and seamless travel.

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir shares his insights and experiences to help readers discover the hidden gems and vibrant culture of Kuwait.


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