What Is the Driving System in Kuwait?

Driving System in Kuwait

Kuwait, a vibrant country located in the Middle East, is known for its modern architecture and rich culture. The driving system in Kuwait is an integral part of life, facilitating the movement of people and goods.

Today, we will look into the intricacies of this system, exploring its rules, regulations, and unique characteristics.

Driving Side in Kuwait

Driving on the Right Side: In Kuwait, people drive on the right side of the road. This is a standard followed by many countries worldwide, especially in Europe and the Americas.

Rule for Everyone: This rule also applies to cyclists and is important for everyone crossing streets or navigating through traffic. Tourists planning to drive in Kuwait should be aware of this practice.

Car Design: Cars in Kuwait are designed with the driver’s seat on the left side, aligning with the right-side driving tradition. This arrangement contributes to maintaining order on the roads and ensures safety for all road users.

Keep to the Right: Whether you’re a resident or a visitor planning to drive, always remember to keep to the right side of the road. It’s a simple yet vital rule for road safety in Kuwait.

Road Network in Kuwait

Organized Roads: Kuwait’s roads are like a well-thought-out spiderweb, connecting Kuwait City to different parts of the country and neighboring borders. The layout includes seven Ring Roads and dual-carriage expressways.

Extensive Infrastructure: In Kuwait, there are a total of 5,749 kilometers of roads, and most of them 4,887 kilometers are paved. These roads make it easy for people and things to move around smoothly.

Traffic Challenges: Because more people are living in cities, some roads get too much traffic from heavy vehicles. To fix this, the government made rules about when big trucks can use certain roads.

Crucial Role in Transportation: The well-planned roads in Kuwait are essential for getting from one place to another. They make it convenient and simple for people who live here and those who come to visit, showing that Kuwait is committed to having good roads for everyone.

Road Network in Kuwait

Driving License in Kuwait

Driving in Kuwait: To drive in Kuwait, having a valid driving license is a must. Tourists and visitors are allowed to use their home country license for a limited time. However, once you obtain a resident visa, it becomes illegal to drive without a Kuwaiti driving license.

Obtaining a Kuwaiti Driving License: To acquire a Kuwaiti driving license, you should visit the General Traffic Department in the relevant governorate and complete the necessary steps.

Legal Consequences: Driving without a valid license in Kuwait is against the law and carries legal consequences. To ensure a hassle-free experience on the roads, it’s crucial to obtain and carry a valid driving license at all times.

Speed Limits in Kuwait

Varied for Different Roads: In Kuwait, the speed limits are not one-size-fits-all; they depend on the type of road you’re on. Highways generally have a speed limit of 120 km/h, but on specific motorways, the limit is set at 100 km/h.

Urban Speed Limits: Within urban areas, a different set of speed limits applies. Typically, the speed limit is 45 km/h. However, on urban dual carriageways, bridges, flyovers, and loop roads, the limit increases to 60 km/h, ensuring a balance between speed and safety.

Speed Limits for Heavy Vehicles: For heavy vehicles and trucks, the speed limits are lower. On highways and motorways, these vehicles are expected to adhere to a speed limit of 60 km/h, with a minimum speed requirement of 40 km/h.

Traffic Congestion and Safety in Kuwait

Traffic Woes in Kuwait: Kuwait faces a significant challenge with traffic congestion, particularly during peak hours. The impact is substantial, with motorists experiencing an annual loss of up to 82 hours, equivalent to over three days and ten hours.

Daily Commute Challenges: For drivers in Kuwait, a 30-minute morning drive can result in an extra delay of more than 11 minutes, while evening drive times may incur an additional 10-minute delay. These statistics underscore the magnitude of the congestion issue and its impact on daily life.

Mass Transportation as a Solution: Addressing traffic congestion in Kuwait is closely tied to the promotion of mass transportation.

Safety Hazards on Kuwaiti Roads: Driving in Kuwait is considered hazardous due to factors such as excessive speed on both primary and secondary roads, lax enforcement of traffic regulations, and a high density of vehicles. This combination leads to frequent and often fatal accidents.

Rules and Regulations in Driving System in Kuwait

Legal Registration and Insurance: In Kuwait, adherence to traffic laws is paramount. All vehicles must be legally registered and insured to be on the road.

Safety First: To ensure safety, drivers in Kuwait must wear seat belts at all times. It is equally crucial to be aware of and abide by the specified speed limits while driving, contributing to a safer road environment.

Zero Tolerance for Drinking and Driving: One of the most critical traffic laws in Kuwait is the prohibition of drinking and driving. This offense is not taken lightly and carries serious legal consequences. Operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s permission or knowledge is also considered a violation.

License Plate Regulations: Driving a vehicle with unclear or illegible numbers or plates, or altering the location, color, or shape of issued plates from the General Traffic Department, is strictly against the law. This regulation is in place to maintain the integrity of vehicle identification.

Rule Adherence for Road Safety: All these rules and regulations are in place to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, familiarizing yourself with and adhering to these laws is crucial before getting behind the wheel in Kuwait.

Rules and Regulations in Driving System in Kuwait

Public Transport in Kuwait

Bus Services: Public transport in Kuwait relies mainly on buses and taxis. The local bus system, operated by state-owned companies like KPTC (Kuwait Public Transport Company) and the City Bus, is not only cost-effective but also covers the most densely populated areas in Kuwait. Buses are known for their reliability, safety, and frequent service, with approximately ten-minute intervals between each ride. The air-conditioned buses charge around 250 fils per ride, depending on the distance traveled.

Taxi Convenience: Apart from buses, taxis play a significant role in Kuwait’s public transport system. Taxis are easily accessible and can be hailed from the street or booked in advance, providing a flexible and convenient mode of transportation.

Future Plans: As of now, Kuwait does not have a metro system in place. However, there are reported government plans to develop a railway and metro system in the future. While this infrastructure is not currently operational, it indicates a potential expansion and enhancement of public transportation options in Kuwait.


In summary, Kuwait’s driving system is well-organized and effective, meeting the transportation needs of both residents and visitors. With features like the

  • Right-hand driving rule
  • Extensive road network
  • Stringent traffic laws
  • Various public transport options

It provides a comprehensive framework for safe and convenient travel.

Faisal Nazir
Faisal Nazir shares his insights and experiences to help readers discover the hidden gems and vibrant culture of Kuwait.


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